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Now downloading free:Tektronix DC505a

Tektronix DC505a free download

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TEKTRONIX INSTRUCTION MANUAL Tektronix, Inc . P .Q . Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number O10-1984-00 First Printing APR 1915 DC 505A TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Page INTRODUCTION 1-1 Installation 1-1 OPERATIONAL CHECK 1-2 Controls and Connectors 1-2 Display Tests 1-2 INPUT CONSIDERATIONS 1-4 Input Sources 1-4 Input Coupling 1-4 Attenuators and Maximum Input Volts 1-4 Sensitivity and Frequency Range 1-4 Slope and Level 1-4 FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS 1-5 Frequency A 1-5 Triggering 1-5 Measurement Intervals 1-5 Measurement Rate 1-5 RATIO MEASUREMENTS 1-6 Triggering 1-6 Resolution 1-6 PERIOD MEASUREMENTS 1-6 Gating 1-6 Averag ing 1-6 Low Frequencies 1-6 TIME INTERVAL MEASUREMENTS 1-6 General 1-6 Width B Mode 1 -~ Time A--B Mode Time Interval Averaging 1-8 Single-Shot using HOLD 1-8 EVENT MEASUREMENTS 1-8 Averag ing 1-8 TOTALIZING 1-9 Purpose 1-9 Operation 1-9 FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE AT REAR CONNECTOR 1-10 Customizing the Interface 1-10 Control Lines 1-1~ Signal Lines 1-1~ DC 505A TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) SECTION 1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (cont) Page ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Performance Conditions 1-11 Table t-6 Channels A & B Input 1-11 Table 1-7 Display Resolution and Accuracy 1-12

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